WEEK 5 (January 6 - January 10)
DAY 17 (Jan 6)
Today I reached the school at the 9:00 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I got a period at 9:A. At first period I taught properties, reactions, uses of hydrogen and hydrogen as fuel which was my LP 21 and also I distributed answer sheets of second terminal examination chemistry at 9.A. Before the class started I distributed answer sheets and note down the marks in separate paper. Then I taught LP at 9A and also I distributed physics answer sheets at 8C at 5th period and note down the marks. At noon we went to serve did food for students.
DAY 18 (Jan 7)
Today I reached the school at 9:30 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I didn't get the period to teach. I got only a substitution period at 9B which was first period
I was already prepared with my lessons to take class. Afternoon there was no class in the school because of PTA meeting. We were also made part of it. At noon we went to serve food for students.
DAY 19 (Jan 8)
Today I reached the school at a 9 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today I got a period to teach. And also we had observation of our physical science teacher at this day. The observation was at the first period at 9:A I taught my LP 22 which was carbon , allotropes , diamond of the chapter non metals of chemistry. At noon we went to serve food for students. Also I got a substitution period at 9C which was 6th period.
DAY 20 (Jan 9)
Today I reached the school at a 9:15 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I got a period to teach physics. At 6th period I taught my LP 7 which was ray diagram of concave mirror and image formation of the chapter reflection of light in spherical mirrors of physics at 8.C. Also I got a substitution at fourth period. At noon we went to serve food for students.
DAY 21 (Jan 10)
I reached the school at an 9:00 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. today I got a period to teach which was 7 the period. At 8C I taught my LP 12 which was ray diagram of image formation of convex mirror. I also got two substitution period. At 8C second period and sixth period at 9C. At noon we went to serve food for students.
This week was almost good we had an observation at the Wednesday by our optional teacher. I got some periods to take classes at the 8C and 9A for physics and chemistry respectively. In this week at Monday I got a period at 9:A chemistry. At Tuesday I didn't get period to take a class. I got only 1 substitution period at 9B and also on Tuesday there was a PTA meeting in school so we go some duties to maintain the class. The PTA meeting is related to marks of Christmas examination. At Wednesday optional teacher came to visit our class I had a period at 9:A that was the observation class. The teacher observed the class and write the positive and negative after class. students cooparate with me while taking class. At the 6th period at thursay I taught physics. At Friday I had period at 8.C I taught of physics. This week was good we got opportunity to be a part of parents teachers meeting. That was new experience.
I interact with the students very friendly. I improved my class management skills. I made an intimacy with the students they were get very attached to me. I adapt myself to the school environment. I started to enjoy moments in school. I made improvement in teaching skills. I felt overall changes in attitude and behaviour. I improved my confidence. I studied the content thouroghly before taking class. I am very happy to be part of school activities and programs. I felt proud to be a teacher. I liked this job very much. Each day gave new experience.
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