WEEK 1  (14/08/2024 - 16/08/2024 )

As part of B.Ed curriculum first phase of teaching practice for 50 days started at Govt. HSS Punalur at 14/08/2024.


Our first day of teaching practice started on 14.08.2024.
I reached the school at 10.00 am. We went to see headmistress to handover the attendance register. Then we met our respective subject teachers to receive the classes and portions. Today I didn't get class hours or substitution hours. I have got an opportunity to be a part preparations of school parliamentary election. I was also be an invigilator for Aksharamuttam quiz competition in the school. At noon we served mid day meal to students.

DAY 2 

16/08/2024 was the second day of teaching practice. Today was school parliamentary election at morning first two hours. Today I got a class at 8C at third period , I interacted with students and took a revision for first chapter of chemistry "some basic constituents of matter".


The first week was good. I got only one class at 8C for chemistry. I took a revision for the unit "Basic constituents of matter". I liked the school atmosphere. I didn't get much opportunities to interact with students at this week. There was a quiz competition named Aksharamuttam quiz on Wednesday and school parliamentary election on Friday.


I was very excited at first class. The students are very attentive and good listening. They were very active in class and they answered all questions I asked. The revision class was successful. 

WEEK 2     (19/08/2024 - 23/08/2024)

Day 3

It was the third day of my teaching practice. I reached the school and signed the attendance register. As per time table today I didn't have period to take a class but I was prepared with my lessons. At 6th period I had got a substitution period at IT lab and also I helped our physics teacher to list out the marks of students of a special test. We served food to students at noon. Today I didn't get classes to teach. 

Day 4

I reached the school at 9 a.m. and signed the attendance register. I got 9C for substitution at first period and 10D substitution at 3rd period. Fourth and 5th period I got 8D class to teach the chapter motion of physics. I was already prepared with my lessons. I taught the topic speed and velocity at 4th period and uniform speed and non uniform speed at 5th period. At noon we went to serve food to students.

Day 5

I reached the school at 9 a.m. and signed the the attendance register. Today had a special assembly including all students of the school that is up, hs and hss sections . It was an assembly for congratulating students who had won sports and arts and gave special appreciation for students who were selected for state levels. The school got overall championship in sports at subdistrict level. And the assembly was also for introducing new parliament members and also included their pledge. At noon we served food. Today I didn't get period to teach. 

Day  6 

I reached the school at 9.10 am, and signed the attendance register. I got third period for teaching physics of the topic retardation at 8C. I got a substitution period at 9C at fourth period. Today had PTA general body at 2:00 p.m. at the school auditorium. so there was no classes at afternoon. We got some  duties regarding PTA meeting we were the registration committee. At the noon we served food for students. 


The second week was also good. I got three classes to teach. I taught the chapter motion of physics. My topics was Speed, velocity, uniform speed, non uniform speed and retardation. There was a special assembly in this week by congratulating students who had won sports competitions and also for introducing school's new parilament members.
A PTA  general body was on Friday 2 pm. We also became a part of it by registering parents' name. 


I taught the topics speed and velocity, uniform speed and non uniform speed at 8D. Retardation and road accidents at 8C. The students are supportive and good listening they are always excited to know new topics. They were very active in class. They answered questions and also asked their doubts. I had get idea about how to manage a class. I took my efforts to make the class better. Next class I will improve class management and make my class more better.

WEEK 3   (27/08/2024 - 30/08/2024)


I reached the school at 9.10 am and signed the attendance register. I got 9B for substitution at first period. Today I didn't get any classes to teach lessons. Rest of the time I planned my upcoming lessons. At noon we went to serve food for students.


I Reached the school at 9:30 and signed the attendance register. I Got third period for chemistry at the 8C. Teacher instructed to take a revision for second chapter basic constituents of matter. I revise the chapter and asked questions to students before that I gave them time to take a look on the chapter. Most of the students gave correct responses to my questions some of them didn't. I repeat the concept and made them to study it. 6th period I got substitution for IT lab for 8A students teacher gave instruction to me to show a video to students and let them to do it. It was a video of open office spreadsheet I helped the students to complete it. At noon we went to serve food for students.

I reached the school at 9:25 a.m. and signed the attendance register.  I took attendance at class 9C. Teacher gave us duty to do YIP registration for students. Young Innovators program (YIP), it is a flagship program as part of innovation segment that aims to empower future innovators to innovate new products, services or models. The whole day we were engaged with that registration work.  We registered the name of students and made groups of two students and creates some idea on the group. Today I didn't get classes to teach. At noon we served food for students. 


This week consisted only three working days. I didn't get any classes to teach in this week, but I got some substitution hours. And I got a period for taking revision for chemistry at 8C. I revised the chapter basic constituents of matter. I had got opportunity to do YIP registration of students. Friday we were engaged with that work. I utilised  free time to plan my upcoming lessons. This  week was almost good. 


This week I didn't get any classes to teach. I got a period at 8C for taking revision for second unit basic constituents of matter. I revised the Chapter and asked questions to students most of them answer correctly and some of them didn't.I repeat the concept and made them to study it I got some substitution period at 9B and 8A.


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