WEEK 7 ( January 20 - January 24)

DAY 26 (JAN 20)
Today I reached the school at a 9:00 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today I got a period to take a class at 9A at the first period I taught my LP 25 which was carbonates and by carbonates of the chapter non metals of chemistry and also I showed the innovative work which was a rotating chart model of non metals it was very helpful for the students to study and remember the concepts of non metals.  At noon we went to serve food for students.  I got two substitution period at 8B and 8A which was 3rd and 7th period respectively. 

DAY 27( Jan 21)

Today I reached the school at 9:15 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today I got two periods to take a class at the 8C at 5th period I taught LP 28 which was propagation of sound of the chapter sound of physics. Today I also conducted achievement test at 9A at 4th period.  achievement test for the chapter solutions of chemistry. At the noon we went to serve food for students.  I got a substitution period at 9C at seventh period which was a PTA and substitution. 

DAY 28 ( Jan 22)

Today I reached the school at a 9:15 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I had period at 9A which was my LP 27 nitrogen of non metals of chemistry and also gave answer sheets of achievement test to the students of 9A. I  got 3 substitution periods because the some of the teachers where absent due to camp. substitution period at 8A and 9A and 8B at a second period 5th period and 7th period respectively. For  8Aand 9B where substitution periods for physical training and a substitution period at 9.A I utilised  for distribution of answer sheets of achievement test for students. At noon we went to serve food for students.

DAY 29 (Jan 23)

Today I reached the school at 9:00 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I got a period to teach physics at 8C. At 6th period I taught my LP 29 which was limits of audibility it taught through a model that is advance model.  Today I got to substitution periods at 8A and 10A at second and fourth period respectively.  At noon we went to serve  food for students. 

DAY 30 (Jan 24)

Today I reach the school at the 9:00 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today was the last day of our teaching practice phase 2 so I felt some unhappines. I  felt some missing throughout the day. I had period at the 8 C 4th period I taught my final LP of teaching practice phase 2 which was LP 30 noice  pollution of the chapter sound of physics . I taught this through 5E model. I also got substitution period at 9A I gave them chocolates. The students gave me gifts.  I am so sad to leave them. After school time we were part of a quiz section conducted by SPC. After that we left school at 4.30. I never forget this day. 


This week was the last week of my teaching practice phase2. I felt some missing throughout this week because I made close connection with a students and the school atmosphere. I enjoyed each day in the school. Each day and each  class in school made new experience to me it was golden period of my teaching life. Actually I made more interest in teaching I have overall mprovement in my teaching. At this week I made achievement test and distribute answer sheets and encouraged the students. The last day was unforgettable the students give me gifts and  I gave chocolates to the class and also in this week I took models like advance organizer and 5E model. we gave gifts to the teachers in High school section. At last day we were in school till 4:30 p.m. we were made a part of quiz section related to SPC..


The teaching practices made many positive changes in my teaching life. Teaching practice gave valuable insights and experiences to me. I made over all development in teaching skills like classroom management , skills communication skills etc. The teaching practice gave lots of experience I didn't forgot these in my life.


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