week 4 (02/09/2024 , 24/09 -- 27/09 )

Day 10 

I reached the school at 9.00 am and signed the attendance register. Today I got two periods to take class. First and second period at 8C. I took my two lesson plans as part of revision. First period I taught distance and displacement and second period I taught scalar and vector quantities. Afternoon there was no class because from the next day the first terminal examinations will starts. But we leave the school at evening. We were helped the teachers to arrange the class for exams. 

Day 11

I reached the school at 9.05 am and signed the attendance register it was the second day after onam vacation. Second period I got a substitution at 9D and also I got a substitution at seventh period at 8C. Sir gave me answer sheets to distribute. Today I didn't get any classes to teach. At noon we went to serve food for students.

Day 12

I reached the school at 9.00 am and signed the attendance register. I thought today was a tensionful day . General teacher came to observe our class. At first period I took concept attainment model at 8C. Topic was chemical changes of the chapter chemical changes of chemistry. Teacher observed class and wrote her opinion. At noon we served food for students. Afternoon most of the students were engaged in science and maths fair works. At fifth period I got substitution at 8B and at sixth period I distributed answer sheets of physics at 8C.

Day 13 

 Today I reached the school at 9.15 am and signed the attendance register. Optional teacher came to observe our class. So I were tensed. I taught the topic friction of the chapter force of physics at 8C at third period,which was my 6th lesson plan. It include friction, examples of frictional force and properties of friction. I introduced the lesson through some questions related to daily life which was familiar to them they gave good responses then I divided the students into 7 groups and showed experiments and activity cards were given. During group discussion students made unwanted noise that greatly affect my class I couldn't manage the class properly so that made negative impact on my class. The teacher gave opinion to improve my class management. I felt that my previous classes are much better than today's. I am not satisfied and couldn't execute the topic properly due to unusual behaviour of students and there was also technical issues in class. The projector was not working properly that also affected in my class so I decided to improve my skills to make upcoming classes better. 

Day 14

Today I reached the school at 9:00 a.m. and signed the attendance register. I got a period at 8C to took class for chemistry and also I got a substitution for 9C which was a PT period. I went to ground and observed the ground the students were engaged in football. At 3rd period I taught thermochemical reactions of the chapter chemical change which was my lesson plan-12. Also I got 7th period for 8C but due to second term textbook distribution I couldn't take class.

This was the week after Onam vacation and it was started at 24th September. In this week our general teacher and optional teacher came to visit our classes. This was a tensionful week. I got 5 periods to take class in this week. I learned many things from the opinions of the teachers. I need to improve my classroom management skills. The PT substitution was a new experience.


In this week I got 5 periods to take classes. 3 periods for physics and two periods for chemistry. As part of revisions I took two periods for physics I taught my first two lesson plans and also frictional force of chapter force of physics. And Chemical, physical changes and thermochemical reactions of the chapter chemical changes of chemistry. This week was another experience because optional and general teacher came to observe class and I understand the problems of my classes. I need to improve my classroom management skills and also need to improve my classes better in all ways. 


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