

I made digital text on the topic water. Composition of water , electrolysis of water, properties of water,  water as universal solvent, soft water and hard water water pollution were included in the text. The physical properties such as boiling point of water, heat capacity of water, freezing of water surface tension etc  included in text. Digital Text  


Cognitive Map 1 The cognitive map about the chapter Thermodynamics of plus one chemistry. Cognitive Map 2 Cognitive map about the chapter alternating current of Plus two physics. 

WEEK 7 ( January 20 - January 24)

DAY 26 (JAN 20)       Today I reached the school at a 9:00 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today I got a period to take a class at 9A at the first period I taught my LP 25 which was carbonates and by carbonates of the chapter non metals of chemistry and also I showed the innovative work which was a rotating chart model of non metals it was very helpful for the students to study and remember the concepts of non metals.  At noon we went to serve food for students.  I got two substitution period at 8B and 8A which was 3rd and 7th period respectively.  DAY 27( Jan 21) Today I reached the school at 9:15 a.m. and the signed the attendance register. Today I got two periods to take a class at the 8C at 5th period I taught LP 28 which was propagation of sound of the chapter sound of physics. Today I also conducted achievement test at 9A at 4th period.  achievement test for the chapter solutions of chemistry. At the noon we w...


An innovative work can be defined as new idea or device or method. An innovative work should be a catalyst to the growth. Innovative maybe linked to positive changes in efficiency, productivity and equality. As a part of b.Ed curriculum I have to do an  innovative work.  The innovative work that I made a was a rotating chart  model about a non metals are used this innovative idea for teaching the chapter nonmetals. I implemented this on January 20 in 9.A class in govt. HSS Punalur.

WEEK 6 (January 13- January 17)

DAY 22 (Jan 13) Today I reached the school at 9.15 am and signed the attendance register. I got  two periods take class one for  chemistry and one for physics. At third period I took class at 9.A.  I taught my LP 23 which is graphite graphene and fullerenes of the chapter non metal of chemistry. At the 6th period I took class at 8.C I taught LP 13 , which was magnification of the chapter reflection of light in spherical mirrors.  I got a substitution period at 9.B which was 4th period. At noon we went to serve food for students.  DAY 23 ( Jan 15) Today I reached the school at 9:15 a.m. and the signed attendance register. Today I got a period to take a class at  9A. I taught LP 24 which was carbon compounds like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide of the chapter non metals of chemistry. Today I got substitution period for two classes is one is at fourth period 9C and 8A at seventh period. At noon we went to serve food for students. DAY 24  (Jan 16) Toda...

WEEK 5 (January 6 - January 10)

DAY 17 (Jan 6) Today I reached the school at the 9:00 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I got a period at 9:A.  At  first period I taught properties, reactions, uses of hydrogen and hydrogen as fuel which was my LP 21 and also I distributed answer sheets of second terminal examination chemistry at 9.A.  Before the class started I distributed answer sheets and note down the marks in separate paper. Then I taught LP  at 9A and also I distributed physics answer sheets at 8C at 5th period and note down the marks. At noon we went to serve did food for students.  DAY 18 (Jan 7) Today I reached the school at 9:30 a.m. and signed the attendance register. Today I didn't get the period to teach. I got only a substitution period at 9B which was first period  I was already prepared with my lessons to take class.  Afternoon  there was no class in the school because of PTA meeting. We were also made part of it. At noon we went to serve food for st...